Thursday, 3 July 2014

Why should you invest in Poland?

Poland is one of the most attractive and fast-growing countries in Europe due to the increasing number of new investment projects, extensive market and political stability. Also, Poland provides investors with a competent and well educated workforce. Production costs are low in comparison to countries in Western Europe and the quality of goods produced here is excellent.

The country’s position in central Europe and its statute as the sixth largest EU member state represent a great opportunity for investors coming from abroad. They realize this means lower trade costs and more facile import and export procedure. The most important trade partners for Poland are Germany, Russia, China, Hungary, Ukraine, Spain, France, Italy and the UK.

Poland took the spotlight since it was the only European country that managed to avoid the recession and repercussions of the global economic crisis. Moreover, the country’s debt-to-GDP ratio of 57% is significantly below average in comparison to other countries that still struggle with their public debt.

The Polish Government is constantly trying to create a friendly and proper climate for business and entrepreneurship in order to attract foreign investments. One of the most important measures in this direction was the creation and implementation of the Polish Special Economic Zones (SEZ) project. Basically every entrepreneur decided to start his own company in Poland can choose one of these 14 zones where they are given the opportunity to conduct their activities on preferential terms. They can benefit from various Polish tax exemptions and discounts in these specific zones.

Also, entrepreneurs should take into account the fact that Poland signed Double Tax Treaties with a considerable number of countries in order to avoid double taxation of foreign investors. Therefore it would be advisable for them to find a qualified Polish company formation specialist that will be able to advise them regarding the procedures to follow in order to take advantage of these treaties.